Until I embarked on this blog writing endeavour I’d never really used Instagram, chiefly because I didn’t get the point. I had an account, in my name, with a grand total of one picture. Coincidentally that picture was of the dish with which I metaphorically kicked my dear friend’s arse and took out the trophy in our occasional Masterchef challenge. Starting a Dad’s Onion Instagram page was precipitated by a friend of a friend who, not content with a web page and a Facebook page to look at, asked if I had an Instagram page. Bloody ungrateful!

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Although these days there is a huge variety of foods and recipe styles available in Australia, I recall reading or hearing that the majority of families have a relatively small repertoire of dishes that they make and consume for dinner, punctuated by something new here and there. When I first started doing all the family cooking I didn’t have such a catalogue of recipes to fall back on, so I took to buying one of each of the monthly magazines and trawling through for inspiration.

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Murray Tyler

South Australia